Frequently Asked Questions

Over years we have received many questions from our customers, covering everything from how to choose the best roofing system through to what happens if something goes wrong. For the benefit of all our customers, we have brought together some of the most common questions we have received in one place to hopefully address any concerns you may have.

  • Our roofers are experienced installers of many different kinds of roofing system. Some systems are more suited to certain roofs than others. Our knowledgeable roofers will be able to recommend the most appropriate system for your roof. These are some of the considerations that need to be accounted for when choosing a roofing system.

  • When it is in good working condition, the roof is part of a building that property owners tend to forget about. As soon as some part of a roof fails for whatever reason, it will quickly become a major headache for the property owner. The trick to prolonging the lifespan of a roof is vigilance and regular maintenance – fixing minor problems before they have a chance to escalate.

  • When you choose Plymouth Roof Repair Specialists to supply and install your new roof, you are choosing a reputable roofing contractor. That means any work we undertake and materials that we use will be guaranteed for a minimum of 20 years. For some types of roof, we are able to offer a manufacturer’s guarantee of 25 or even 30 years.

    All of our roofers are highly qualified and experienced in their chosen field of expertise. Because we are roofing specialists, not builders undertaking roofing work, and because our teams are comprised of experienced roofers, we are confident in guaranteeing our workmanship for decades to come.

    We only use the very best materials to complete our work. When we are constructing a pitched tiled roof, we use high-quality timber, tiles and insulation. We guarantee the workmanship and materials on these roofs for 25 years – so it makes sense that we would choose materials that will last.

  • All debris that is created in the course of our work on your roof will be removed from your property and disposed of responsibly at the appropriate waste recycling facility. The removal of debris will be fully costed before we start work and these costs will be included in our initial quote.

  • A sudden spring shower can reveal the damage that the freezing winds of winter have caused to your roof. If you identify a leak coming from your roof, there a few steps that you can take to contain the damage. After that, we strongly recommend that you call us to come and take a look.

    Generally speaking, if you have a leak, you will soon know about it. Water always wants to find a way down. Rainwater leaking into a roof space will soon start pooling and, before you know it, there will be water dripping from the ceiling.

  • Our experienced roofing contractors should be able to identify any issues with your roof as part of your initial roof survey. If we have concerns regarding possible water damage or structural problems, we will always make you aware of them and factor them in when working out your quote.

    In the unlikely event that we discover further issues once work has commenced, we will always stop discuss what action you may wish to take before proceeding any further. We will be honest about how much any additional work will cost. If you agree to the additional work, and you don’t have to, we will adjust our quote so there will be no surprises on your final bill.